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Essay 1: Cell-phones in the classroom

Currently, most of students have the privilege of possess their own cell-phone, since the simple one to the most modern type of mobile phone. For some people, this piece of technology it is harmful for students who used in classrooms, nevertheless other persons think use cell phones in class could be beneficial. However, this essay will argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial to students and their education. Use of cellphones in classes it is distracting for students in general, but mostly on children. The influence of techonology as mobile cellphones on primary education, since children of 11 or 12 years old, it has not good consequences. Distraction cause not putting atenttion in classes, bad marks and an incorrect learning. However, there are also arguments in support of using cell-phones in the classroom and we are agree with them. We argue that it could be beneficial, as long as students know how to use them in the right way. They can use phone for se

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Week 2 Writing

An expert of my field

Wild animals and pets

A postgraudate

My future job

My favourite cartoon

The best holidays i've had

My childhood